Tuesday 22 February 2011

Understanding of internet

In last Wednesday's ICT lesson, we created a role play about how the internet works. We had created a sample of what does the internet looks like with chairs and strings. The packets which is from your PC/Laptop will send through the internet, we created this scene by having people which had numbers to labels their order of which is going first. To make our role play more interesting, we got some packets to be jammed during their were sending to the website they had selected. So they did not arrive to the website at the correct order, but the internet is so strong it can let the packets back in the same correct order to create the picture again in the site.

The internet is like a spider web made by lots of connections in the world.A computer will firstly connect to a LAN (Local Area Network), then connects into the PCCW network. After that PCCW connects to another network which is connected to many other network around the world, maybe AT & T, Singapore Telecom... it depends on what website you are trying to get to. Then you will be connected to the website which you want, for example Google, Facebook, ICHK... When you got on to the site, it will sends packages to your computer so you can get going on the site. Remember this action will only happen in a few second.

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