Thursday 10 February 2011

Computer Systems Recap

Few weeks ago in ICT lesson, we have been working on some network, hardware, software... basically operated a computer with our own hands.

On the first week we had set into four groups and our aim is to install different part into the case so it could work perfectly again, our teacher Mr.Parker had gave us different parts like motherboard, RAM, CPU, HDD, hard-drive... and then we only need to plug everything back into the correct spot. The parts of the computer are all very important, so if we dropped it. It could cause damage to the parts, the first time we finish was on the second week. We plug in the power supply and the screen, the first time tested doesn't work so we went back and check what had we done wrong. We found out that some part wasn't fully plugged in, so we need to take parts out and replug some wires and the second time worked.

On the third week, we had been trying to connect the network between our computer and computers that other group had made. We need to firstly find our I.P, I.P (Internet Protocol) is a system for addressing computers on the Internet. Then we type in some code in the terminal, terminal is a direct route to sent code to the computer. 

In these few lessons I've learned how to install different part into the computer case, what are the parts for and how to use terminal. Although I don't know when can I use this skills, but I think this knowledge are useful for me to understand more about computers

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