Wednesday 1 September 2010

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome everyone, I'm Lukas and welcome to my new school blog.

On my blog, as you can see 'Lukas's School Blog'. So you can tell I will only post information about my school work or projects! I'll try to put something which was useful for my knowledge/learning, so maybe you can comment on my work and I could improve my work.

Thank you


  1. Lukas, try to keep your writing as formal as possible. Words like "stuff" are a little too vague for academic writing. can you tell me more about what will go into the blog, and what you hope to learn from it?

    In terms of presentation, try not to separate your sentences on to different lines, but instead group them together into paragraphs.

  2. I like your blog, but I think you can improve on your background, because right now it is a bit dim.
