Tuesday 28 September 2010

The five tips of being a good searcher

Five Tips of searching information you need easily:

1. Try to search with simple words, get away the unnecessary word.

2. Use less terms, this could make your research much more accurate.

3. Use "" to help your research, for example if you want to search for gold fish. It will only appears with 'gold' and 'fish', but if you put "gold fish". It will give you sites about "gold fish"

4. Try to search the words which you could see in the site, imagine what will come out in the website. 

5. Use ' - ' on your research, if you put this on before the word. (eg. laptops -Apple) If you type this in it will give you different sites about laptops, but not Apple laptops.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Science - Fitness and Health

This is the work I did in my science on heath and fitness, it explain Things I eat daily, foods are healthy in me daily diet and things I do for general fitness on a daily basic.

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Wordle: Period G

This is from Wordle and you can see there are lots of words mainly about what are we learning in English lesson (essay, poetry, grammer, reading, writing...) so maybe this could help me by memorizing the different things I learned.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

This is my science Universal Gravity work, on this work there are lots of fact about Universal Gravity.

This is the element song for science!

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome everyone, I'm Lukas and welcome to my new school blog.

On my blog, as you can see 'Lukas's School Blog'. So you can tell I will only post information about my school work or projects! I'll try to put something which was useful for my knowledge/learning, so maybe you can comment on my work and I could improve my work.

Thank you