Tuesday 3 May 2011

Water in Sudan


For the documentary Kinson and I are going to talk about the water in Sudan. The water is one of the main issue in Sudan, the water in Sudan are the major problem for Sudanese to suffer from the dehydration or the muddy water which causes different types of diseases, like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea...

Southern Sudan is part of Africa's largest country and also one of the world poorest country, The total area of Sudan are 2,505,813sq km, the area for land in Sudan are 2.376 million and the area of water are only 129,813sq km, from these statistics we can compare the area for land in Sudan and the area of water. The results are clearly shown that the total areas of water are only covering a small area of Sudan. Sudan have the six month of dry season and in this period of time the daily temperatures often rise above 49 Celsius which shows how are Sudanese needed water. A considerable amount of water is lost for evaporation and because of poor maintenance of irrigation systems.

Sudanese are suffering everyday of their lives; clear water is the most important source that all the Sudanese need and want. Nearly everyday millions of Southern Sudanese must walk miles to get water from ponds, marshes... The water is usually contaminated with different bacteria and this will only causes them more and more sickness and maybe even death. They got no choice but to collect water that is full of bacteria and each year over millions of Sudanese are force to move away for their village and searching for sources of more water, water is desperately needed for Sudan.

The Sudanese usually had water sickness, water in Sudan are mostly contaminated by bacteria and the bacteria will cause different type of waterborne diseases. The major infectious diseases were from the waterborne diseases and the waterborne diseases had included different bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, C and E, and the typhoid fever. Malaria is also one of the main disease from the water that Sudanese drink, this disease mostly happened in north, in 2007 over 2.7million cases of malaria were reported and 6% of all hospital deaths were linked to malaria.



·                Southern Sudan is part of Africa's largest country and also one of the world poorest country
·                The total area of Sudan are 2,505,813sq km, the area for land in Sudan are 2.376 million and the area of water are only 129,813sq km
·                % of population using improved drinking water
·                                  total : 57%
·                                  urban : 64%
·                                  rural : 52%
·                 During the six month of dry season, the daily temperatures often rise above 49 Celsius which shows how are Sudan waterless

Part 2:

·                Nearly everyday millions of Southern Sudanese must walk miles to get water from ponds, marshes... The water is usually contaminated with different bacteria and this will only causes them more and more sickness and even death. They got no choice but to collect water that is full of bacteria
·                Each year over millions of Sudanese are force to move away for their village and searching for sources of more water, water are desperate need for Sudan
·                A considerable amount of water is lost for evaporation and because of poor maintenance of irrigation systems
·                The major infectious diseases were from the waterborne diseases and the waterborne diseases had included different bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, C and E, and the typhoid fever
·                Malaria is one of the main disease from the water that Sudanese drink, this disease mostly happened in north, in 2007 over 2.7million cases of malaria were reported and 6% of all hospital deaths were linked to malaria
·                Comparing to the statistic to MEDC (Hong Kong), Hong Kong’s total area is only 1,104 sq km and the total area of water are 50 sq km. That’s not a lots, but it’s good enough for everyone in Hong Kong.

Part 3:

·       In Sudan there are only 70% of Sudanese gets access to safe water
·       Lack of water is a crisis throughout all of Sudan. In South Sudan, only 30% of rural dwellers have access to safe drinking water
·       As a result, scores of adults and children are dying from diarrhea and other water-related maladies, such as guinea worm. The people’s health also is impacted by the high risk of contracting malaria, typhoid, or dengue fevers. In addition, nearly 350,000 people are living with HIV and AIDS.
·       World Vision in Sudan today
o   The Darfur Clean Water Initiative improves access to water in South Darfur communities by drilling 50 deep wells.
o   The Yambio County Water and Environmental Sanitation Project will increase clean and safe water access by drilling 21 boreholes and promoting safe hygiene practices. The Gograil Water and Environmental Sanitation Project in the west will achieve the same objectives. 
o   Quality Basic Education for War-Affected Children in South Darfur will improve quality basic education targeting all school-age children, especially girls, in South Darfur by providing appropriate teaching and learning materials, including water supply, and essential furniture for classrooms.

Resources of research:
- http://waterwiki.net/index.php/Facing_Water_Challenges_in_Sudan:_A_WWDR3_Case_Study
- http://www.waterforsudan.org/
- http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2010/world/perspective-sudan-land-of-water-and-thirst-war-and-peace/
- http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?ReportID=92597
- http://geology.about.com/b/2008/12/23/water-in-sudan.htm

Monday 11 April 2011

Documentary Notes

On last lesson, we take notes about different types of documentary and we wrote down some notes/positive comments about the documentary. We found out some media skills that we can use in our documentary, we needed the skill voice over narration. To make sure that our voice can still be heard clearly over the music...
Here are some notes we took in media lesson

Voice over narration, some text but no one reading, gives more powerful information, Background music (maybe), Quote from other stuff, Starter with question, answer in the documentary, Have one constant voice talking and narrating, Have short footages, A bit of music, Some pictures and text flashing up (Maps,People), When reading text, you will stick it in your head.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Sudan Research video overview

Videos I research on:

From the video I saw, I can see that the Sudanese live in a life with though situation. The United Nation is helping the people in Sudan by giving them water and other resources. In one of the clip it shows the water in Sudan,Sudan is lag of technology. Sudan's water was full of disease and mud. But people are force to drink it, people in sudan got no choice but to dink these water with mud.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

ICT - Computer system Overview

Computer systems include the computer along with any software and devices that are necessary to make the computer works. The computer will only successfully start up if everything that is needed on the computer is set correctly. If one device in the computer has a problem or wasn’t set properly, the starting up of the computer will show it.

The computer system includes 4 layers - people, network, software and hardware. Hardware is tangible and it makes up the physical computer. There are six components - the motherboard, CPU, RAM, case and power supply. If one is missing the computer will not work properly or you will not be able to start up the computer. 

The motherboard is like the main hardware of the computer, it controls the other hardwires, CPU, RAM... The motherboard is a important part of a computer. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is like the brain of the computer, the CPU is cover by the heat sink and the fan. The heat sink and the fan help the CPU to cool down, in case the CPU goes over heat. The CPU works with the computer code, the computer will send the computer code to the CPU and the CPU will eventually work out the result. The RAM that is known as the random access memory is a component that allows the computer to send packages. The more RAM there are, the amount of packages sent will increase.

Software of the computer is much different from hardware, there are two kinds software. There are application software and operating software. The operating software is software to operate the computer, for example programs like Windows, MAC OS X, and Linux. The application software are included different types of programs like games, Microsoft, document, spread sheet…

The network system can be extremely complicated, but it can be easy to understand at the same time. The network system is like a spider web that was made out of different connection between computers around the world. A successful network to be made, is when multiple computer that are successfully linked and connected to each other. There are two types of network, the first one is LAN (Local Area Network) and the second one is WAN (Wide Area Network).

The Local Area Network is a Network that has an amount of area that computer can connect with, so if the computer is too far away, the computer won’t be able to connect the other computer. Using LAN can be connected be two ways, it’s either by wired or wireless. Wired LAN needs an Ethernet cable to connect and a wireless LAN will uses radio waves to connect.

The Wide Area Network is a Network that covers a large amount of area, the WAN are often connect with public networks, just like the telephone. Comparing the Wide Area Network to the Local Area Network. The LAN contain a higher speed of connection but a small amount of area, and the WAN contain a lower speed of connection, but a large area of connection.

Lastly the people, there are online community for people to use, for example Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, emails ... These online community are for people to communicate easily with higher technology. With these improvement of technology comparing to the history, the online community are improving from the time. People are using these online applications to share information, chat, mailing and commenting. Looking at the history comparing to now, researching is much more easier. In the past, people's resource for searching are limited, but now people got online resource to use and researching online is much more useful than other types of research resource.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Understanding of internet

In last Wednesday's ICT lesson, we created a role play about how the internet works. We had created a sample of what does the internet looks like with chairs and strings. The packets which is from your PC/Laptop will send through the internet, we created this scene by having people which had numbers to labels their order of which is going first. To make our role play more interesting, we got some packets to be jammed during their were sending to the website they had selected. So they did not arrive to the website at the correct order, but the internet is so strong it can let the packets back in the same correct order to create the picture again in the site.

The internet is like a spider web made by lots of connections in the world.A computer will firstly connect to a LAN (Local Area Network), then connects into the PCCW network. After that PCCW connects to another network which is connected to many other network around the world, maybe AT & T, Singapore Telecom... it depends on what website you are trying to get to. Then you will be connected to the website which you want, for example Google, Facebook, ICHK... When you got on to the site, it will sends packages to your computer so you can get going on the site. Remember this action will only happen in a few second.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Computer Systems Recap

Few weeks ago in ICT lesson, we have been working on some network, hardware, software... basically operated a computer with our own hands.

On the first week we had set into four groups and our aim is to install different part into the case so it could work perfectly again, our teacher Mr.Parker had gave us different parts like motherboard, RAM, CPU, HDD, hard-drive... and then we only need to plug everything back into the correct spot. The parts of the computer are all very important, so if we dropped it. It could cause damage to the parts, the first time we finish was on the second week. We plug in the power supply and the screen, the first time tested doesn't work so we went back and check what had we done wrong. We found out that some part wasn't fully plugged in, so we need to take parts out and replug some wires and the second time worked.

On the third week, we had been trying to connect the network between our computer and computers that other group had made. We need to firstly find our I.P, I.P (Internet Protocol) is a system for addressing computers on the Internet. Then we type in some code in the terminal, terminal is a direct route to sent code to the computer. 

In these few lessons I've learned how to install different part into the computer case, what are the parts for and how to use terminal. Although I don't know when can I use this skills, but I think this knowledge are useful for me to understand more about computers

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Media Project: Research of stop frame animation

Research videos
The video above was a stop frame animation that was made by 6566 photos, the animation had showed a great quality of what do we wanted to do. The video had changed the angle of the camera to show this in a different way and it could show the character that was flying toward the same way, they also added the music at the background to interest people. In this animation, I don’t think he did really well, because I can tell he did the animation in a different time.
My idea of the 30 - 90 second animation is that there will be a man going though his life and I’ll make his day interesting. I’ll make the character walk out of the paper and walk into another paper then this is how he go to his office, and work for a while. On the way back home something interesting happened.
I think I can manage the part where the character is working in his office, because my character won’t have a lots of movements so it could be easier to draw and to take with.
I think the part where the character sitting on the plane would be hard, because if I do that I would need to hang the paper to make it more realistic.