Tuesday 7 December 2010

Media Project: Research of stop frame animation

Research videos
The video above was a stop frame animation that was made by 6566 photos, the animation had showed a great quality of what do we wanted to do. The video had changed the angle of the camera to show this in a different way and it could show the character that was flying toward the same way, they also added the music at the background to interest people. In this animation, I don’t think he did really well, because I can tell he did the animation in a different time.
My idea of the 30 - 90 second animation is that there will be a man going though his life and I’ll make his day interesting. I’ll make the character walk out of the paper and walk into another paper then this is how he go to his office, and work for a while. On the way back home something interesting happened.
I think I can manage the part where the character is working in his office, because my character won’t have a lots of movements so it could be easier to draw and to take with.
I think the part where the character sitting on the plane would be hard, because if I do that I would need to hang the paper to make it more realistic.